10 October, 2023 How-To

How To Heal The Worst

When really bad things happen, here is how to cope and shamanically do something about it.

When the news reaches you and that news is not good- it disturbs you, and you find yourself going into a spiral of feelings of violent rage- and I'm speaking from personal experience right now- then it is a good time to heal yourself, and do your part to heal a situation.

The first thing to know is that you- right now- don't have to do anything about those feelings. You can just let them run their course. If you're like me, and the unbearable made you think and feel thinks you didn't quite know you had in you- that's okay. You don't have to act on it. You can do things differently, but you you don't need to hold back on feeling these things.

After you've done that for a while, acknowledging what you feel, realizing it isn't pretty, and doesn't have to be pretty, and you don't need to do anything right away- you will reach a point where those feelings have run their course and you will feel more calm. You don't have to force yourself to get there, it will come by itself. It helps to know you don't have to do anything about those feelings, for the time being- but if they do stir you into doing something, and that is a good thing, like reaching out to people you love- go ahead! My point is that if you get really angry and you feel like harming people or similar- there is nothing wrong with you. This is a pretty normal reaction to harsh events. But it is important to know you don't have to do anything about this, you can let these feelings run their course and only act when you can tell that there is some sort of inspiration coming through from them and you will be acting in a way that is good, that helps.

Mind you- depending on how close you are to the situation your inspiration will tell you very different things about the best thing to do, but it's still best to keep open to your feelings best you can, and only act if the action feels empowering and inspired in some way.

One of the things I have done, is I have travelled in my mind to the area where the conflict is, and using shamanic techniques to help soothe it. Now, because this situation is so serious there is a lot of potential for doubts to come up, especially if you or friends of yours are interested in the shamanic worldview but haven't quite decided how much confidence to put in it. Isn't it dangerous to act on the spiritual plane, and isn't it simply a way to cope, something to hide behind?

I would deal with those ideas like with any other doubt- I would answer that, no, shamanic action is not futile. It's kind of hard to track, but most things that matter are hard to track, so you have to trust.

First of all, so what if it's a coping strategy? It's a very good one. You will feel much, much better after doing this, and this has a big advantage- if you do chose to go out and find something to do physically, you will actually be able to do it because you are okay now. So what if others don't understand what you're doing- generally speaking, how often do they in general? Does it matter? And, finally, if you don't go and do something shamanically, what are you going to do instead? You can take symbolic action and light a candle or something like that but that's basically shamanic. Are you going to go to the danger zone and just kind of look around and see if there's anything to do there? Unless you are a very specialized kind of person in that way, of course not! So the real alternative to doing something shamanically is- in most cases- doing nothing at all, or distracting yourself. Which also happen to be legitimate, excellent coping mechanisms.

Now, it's my personal opinion in a very clear way that doing something shamanically has very strong effects, maybe even more than going in to help physically. Like with all shamanic techniques you can only really know that you did something by changing how you feel about it. So your indicator of success is your habitual feeling. Usually, if something rather bad happens, it will resonate with the worst-feeling parts of you. So in shamanic terms, this is a tremendous opportunity to heal those parts of you that are usually hidden from you. Purely for you, this is a good thing- you can use it to heal yourself. Now the great news is that if you do that- it will also have a very strong effect on healing whatever triggered your worst-feeling parts. As always with healing, you and your healees both get the benefits.

As always, it doesn't really matter how you perform your healing, as long as it works. But, I would like to share as an example how I am right now going about to heal what I can in the ongoing conflict that just came up.

I would like to make a note that shamanically, there are no sides to take. The very worst people, in conventional terms, are souls and made of God material, just like all the rest of us. So you can use these healing techniques no matter which side of the conflict you are on, politically. Shamanically speaking there is no real judgement to make- deaths or no deaths, we are learning that life is valuable, and especially the souls committing violence and also those dying are learning this, albeit learning it the hard way. In the grander scheme of things, this sort of thing is to be expected and it won't really go away, just maybe happen further away.

It doesn't really matter who you heal. This is not the war context, where strengthening one side will weaken the other. We are talking healing here- and a healed person is generally not aggressive, and will usually find indirectly supporting aggression to feel extremely bad. So if you are on one side politically, and accidentally heal someone from the other side- that's fine, that's good. You just took that person out of the fight to some extent as well as if that person would have been killed- actually even better, because there are no feelings of revenge to come and haunt you. But you didn't really harm the other side by healing them either, even though he or she will no longer be able to fight effectively. Because they will still be able to help in ways that feel good to a peaceful person. It is the logic of war that if you kill enough of your enemies, they stop fighting. But if you heal enough of your enemies, they stop fighting, too- but so do your friends, because they get the effects as well. And if you really keep it up- you stop being enemies. But you can do it the other way around, too- by healing your own people, the enemies get the benefit too, and you kind of gradually grow in a direction where you can get along better. You could say that healing work is inherently apolitical- everything is interconnected, so you can't really heal someone but then not heal someone else who is connected to them as intimately as you are in a conflict. We are way to interconnected for that- and ultimately, we are made of the same stuff.

Eventually, when enough healing has taken place- there is no longer a stirring up of conflict.

If you wonder why this hasn't happened yet- this is the chief reason for me to write this blog. More healers. I would like to teach you how to heal others, but avoid all the pitfalls of conventional pacifism or conventional neutrality, both of which try to achieve a neutrality but don't actually get any healing done, which doesn't work, so you get all sorts of unintended consequences.

This works individually as well, but admittedly if you are surrounded by people who are caught up in the moment, it is much harder, but you can still do it with a bit of practice.

In order to heal someone who is in the very worst of situations- be it as a perpetrator or a victim- you have to essentially convince that person that they are safe, loved, accepted, and good things can happen to them and they also deserve for good things to happen to them.

This is a tall order to say the least. But, you can always nudge the person in that direction. The way to do it- regardless of the techniques you use- is telepathy acting on the person's subconscious mind.

You can't really push them around in any way you want to, that wouldn't be very nice but you can't do it anyway- but what you can do is send them ideas telepathically, and if they seem nice enough- pleasurable enough- to that persons subconscious mind, that subconscious is going to act on them. And in an intense conflict situation, you can expect to be heard- there is not much pleasure in war.

So the first step to healing the worst in others is to recognize that in a high-level spiritual level, they are all right, they are still made of God-energy. But, they are holding some very nasty beliefs, both about themselves and their worth, as well as about the people they intend to harm.

So the way to change beliefs in others is very similar to changing beliefs in yourself. You tune into the energy, and ask it to give you a representation of itself. You can ask for a representation in words, a description, or you can ask for a different symbol. Take what you get.

Now change that symbol until it feels better, or change those words to their opposite and send them back. You can also leave the symbol or words as they are and let them go with a sense of trust that they have been resolved. Subconscious minds who are expressing the worst of the species don't get a lot of love, and that little bit of caring attention to find the belief is probably going to be enough to take some pressure off.

Keep going with the same symbol, making different changes, or get a new one, deciding by intuition which to use.

Another way that requires you to be brave is to travel into the zone with your senses by using magical flight process. Basically, you run full steam off a ramp in your mind and jump into the sky, flying- and then travel where you want to go. You will arrive there in a kind of quasi-reality, and you will be able to make changes to the experience there using your imagination. You can change the aggressive ones standing down, packing up, and going home, fully trusting things will be all right. You can also spread around symbols of love and of clearing. Shamanic light works really well, as well- use pink for clearing.

Note that highly aggressive energy can trigger your own fears, to the extent you have them. Deal with those by affirming to yourself that energy is energy and it has no power over you. You can go into the worst of energy situations and you will be fine if you know yourself immune to it. So the idea is to go in as far as you can, and if you get too many fears, deal with those first and then go in again and do more healing. It's a process.

Keep in mind that all events are made of thoughts, and they come into your reality as a response to the beliefs that you hold. So the key to have peace yourself is to convince yourself that no one is interested in harming you, regardless of all evidence to the contrary. So if you imagine yourself to be in a completely peaceful situation until you feel good, and you consistently do that, you will, sooner or later, be in a peaceful situation. To an extent, yearning automatically kicks this process off, but you can speed it up considerably by using active imagination.

So here is my shamanic peace plan:

  • Use the first principle of Huna, awareness- remind yourself that events cannot happen unless they match your beliefs, and to help someone, you have to convince them that hey have been helped and good things will now happen. Use a Nalu meditation- just being there, knowing you don't have to act even with overwhelming feelings- until you achieve a basic, aware calm
  • Use the second principle of Huna, freedom, to talk yourself into believing that change is possible- and also use it toou  apply effecting clearing techniques like Symbol Healing and digging up beliefs, or the shamanic light. Use your feelings as your guide- if they change for the better while still focusing, you're making changes to the thought level, so things will manifest differently thanks to your intervention.
  • Use the third principle of huna, focus, to actively dream up a new way for people to be, using the Haipule technique.

As for a schedule, I suggest to pick one clearing technique and one focusing technique. Take about ten minutes for each and do them about once a day. If you can, pepper your day with as many ten-second miniature versions of each as you can. You can do it with every news picture and story you come across. Soon enough, you will be feeling better and better, and you will growing spiritual strength, and you will know that even when things are not right in the world, you now have a way of helping out your fellow humans, and then you will have healed yourself.

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