19 October, 2023 How-To

How To Get Rich

And now for the big one- how to get rich, using Huna.

To answer your first question up front- yes, I have!

Money is tricky because there seem to be more common limiting beliefs about it than many other subjects, and those beliefs seem to be taken more personally. I come from an American left-wing background- I got the full monty of ideas that every rich person is a Scrooge McDuck kind of person and most certainly also doesn't care much for foreigners and is also probably religious, boring, a hypocrite and most certainly nothing like the creative, cool and interesting kind of penniless people we like to surround us with. Oh and by the way, we would also very much like to have some of the rich people's money.

There are a lot of limiting beliefs in that short description. Mind you, the specifics don't matter at all, I'm just using lefty stuff as an example because I happen to know it well. If you come from a right-wing or traditional Islamic or whatever kind of background, it doesn't matter- the point here is that when it comes to your relationship with money, it is highly likely that the beliefs about it are very limiting. And, weighing even more heavily- those beliefs are much more likely to be used in a social way, to form groups of people around them who are visibly different in how they dress and speak and walk and talk and get haircuts (or, in my case, not get haircuts). I liked to hang around the freaks in school. They let me yell about the mainstream and frown all the time. That sort of thing made the regular kids kind of uncomfortable!

Now, it doesn't matter whether your social queue is rallying around ideas like dying your hair pink and yelling about anti-elitism, or furthering your career in big companies and the government and drinking beer with other kids in suits, or wearing old-school jeans and fleece vests and trucker hats and worrying together with others about how someone might come and force you to don a pink shirt- the point here is that it is particularly challenging to fundamentally change your beliefs when those beliefs are used as a social focal point you form groups around.

Because of all this, I noticed that to improve your beliefs about money, for most of us it will take a bit more becoming aware of your present beliefs than most other goals, because the closer to home our beliefs are, so to speak, the more they kind of hide in plain sight. They seem like common sense truth, not some kind of arbitrary stuff someone made up. And yet, they are!

It's also good to be creative about dealing with people you know and love when you change.

So, in a nutshell, here is how to get really, really rich- as rich as you want- using Huna:

  • Use the third principle of Huna, focusing, like you would for any other goal. Completely make up a high some of money you want. If you can, nudge yourself to add a zero to the sum- and then another one, and maybe yet another one. Add three zeroes to the amount you came up with, if you can, and that would probably be a good money goal to come up with. I would suggest to focus on 'having' this amount rather than earning or spending it, because it's the simplest way to express being rich with no strings attached. Then use the Haipule every day, as many times per day as you can, to reaffirm the goal. This might vary- that's okay, just keep doing as much as you can. Short is fine- twenty seconds are okay too, often is better than long. Still do a longer 10-20 minute session or as long as feels right to flesh out details, fiddle with the exact images, decide on the right affirmations, use the right energy exercise and symbolic physical action and gestures that create the feeling of having the money. Also specify other things that are important to you- this is net worth, not a loan or something, it's cash and ready to spend and not boxed into stock or a company or something, and here's my favorite one- everything else about your life is untouched, you just want the minimal amount of change required to let in the wealth. You're you, you just have a credit card with a very, very high limit. All this is to make the change as small as possible to still reach your goal- you can always make different changes later.
  • Use the first principle to become aware of any beliefs, mannerisms, figures of speech, behavior, celebrations, rituals, associations, habits you have that directly go against your new idea that you have plenty of money. Note that you don't have to spend more money than you physically have in order get a feeling of being wealthy- in fact, you might actually save money! You are to change the things that you would do out of the panicky feeling of being poor. For example, question:
    • Does it make sense financial for me to buy things because there are coupons for them? Am I making my dollars or euros or riads last longer? Are the things I am getting a discount on really more valuable to me than something else I might have to pay full price for?
    • Are there areas of my life where I might be paying much more for things because I am buying cheap?
    • Am I harming myself trying to save money? How much does it cost to travel further to get a slightly cheaper price?
    • Consider ways you might earn more than you are now- not necessarily to go ahead and do that, a job change is a big thing and it's fine to just leave it up to the higher self to show you through events how to get there, if one might be in order. But just as an exercise to train your mind to be more flexible. Could you be a jeweler? A top entertainment artists? An entrepreneur? A banker? A workshop teacher? Someone who sells digital stuff online because the everyday business runs itself?
    • If you have trouble thinking about yourself differently, question it. Is it bad to charge money for something? Is the species evolved to a point where you can give freely without trade, or might a little trade help your customers actually use what you've got? Might it be okay to charge money for your skills? What skills do you have? Do you believe you could sell some of them, with or without a little more training? Why? Are you sure that's true? Think about yourself in a different situation. Do you think money falls out of the sky sometimes, and you might just get really lucky? If not, why not? Do you belief in bad luck more than good luck? Why? Are you mean to lucky people in your mind? Do you think it's okay that you might just be lucky?
  • Use the second principle of Huna to clear any and all doubts that might have come up. Sure you can become rich like others have done, you're not that special that you couldn't when so many who honestly tried were successful. No, not all rich people become undesirable- you specified in your affirmation that you aren't that different from now, except the wealth. Sure you might experience limits on how many people you can help when you're wealthy, just like now, but you'll be able to deal with them as they come up- higher self can help! This is kind of talking yourself into believing in yourself. And also use any and all other clearing techniques- use the La'a Kea with a pink color on achy parts of your body to get rid of beliefs that don't work so well without dealing too much with what they were (it's easy to neglect because the effect feels so subtle even though it is so huge). Uncover limiting beliefs by questioning yourself. Use symbol healing to change the beliefs. Use dreamchanging to imagine different surroundings to weaken confirmation of your old belief in your reality.

If you do those things, you can expect to have more money, feel better about money, get rid of all sorts of ways of feeling bad and getting all sorts of new ways of feeling good. It could be instant but most likely it will be a kind of gradual development of more and more good-feeling and rich and less-and-less bad-feeling and poor. At first, it will only be the way you feel and the thoughts you express, but over time those will turn both into different ways that you act- and events that happen to you. Most likely, it will be a combination of events that happen to you and ways you act that will bring the actual happening of the goal. Near misses are successes! It doesn't mean you tried and failed, it means that you really, really shifted your thinking, just not quite enough to realize it. Those things are okay, embrace them, and just keep going. If you don't get it- it was just showing a shift in your thoughts, it wasn't meant for you to have.

That's pretty much it! First, set the goal, and focus on it (third principle). Then, become aware of all the ways that you might be contradicting your goal by your present behavior. That alone will automatically change behavior and make you want to change others. But whatever beliefs and behavior seem to stick, use the second principle to clear it all away.

This process is exactly the same in principle than any other goal- but the difference is you have more emphasis on the first principle, because the road block beliefs can hide in plain sight and have a social component.

Now, before we move on to an imaginary but close-to-what-I've-experienced example of going through the process- let's deal with the social component. People close to you can be really, really shocked when you suddenly come up with beliefs that completely go against the grain of what they know.

The way to deal with this is the seventh principle- effectiveness is the measure of truth. This means that in every situation, whatever works is true! So if you are in a social situation with people who you know hold limiting beliefs of the sort you want to get rid of, you can still play along a little bit in the situation and avoid confrontation. That's fine- your priority is to convince yourself of your new beliefs. If you want to share some of those with your old friends, you sure can, depending on your relationship and how important those beliefs are to the story of your friendship. But if you want to play it safe- just avoid the topic altogether and focus on other stuff in your friendship that you still share. In most cases, you can completely leave it at that. So, say, for example- someone rushes up to you and is like: Wow, let's go ahead and drive an hour to buy ten cases of apple cider because I have this coupon, you can either come up with an excuse not to go, or go along and tell yourself it's just for the friend, or you can go along and not actually buy it. I wouldn't recommend telling them you won't come along because you're doing this mental exercise at getting rich, unless you are already very confident. If you're just starting out, I recommend doing auto-suggestion in private, although if you get asked point blank I think it's still fine to share then, but this most likely won't happen anyway. If you do chose to go along- you could in fact completely go along with expressing your belief that this coupon is fantastic, buy 20 cases of the cider, and double down! But it might be good to explain all this to yourself in a way that gives you a feeling that actually, you already have the money you want. But I find usually it's not necessary to go full-on with strongly expressing different worldviews and you can get away with just being vague about your new ideas.

Of course, if you get really excited or have a success, sure you want to tell friends. In this case, I would recommend very very carefully touching on the subject and see if there is any kind of positive and negative reaction toward it. If you want support, it's probably best to go to an online community or something or find new ways of making some new friends where your shared belief in spiritually achieving things can form a new basis of a friendship. That's perfectly fine, it doesn't have to come at the expense of the old friends, and it happens all the time. What probably won't work is expressing your new ideas to your old friends and expected support- that's why I recommend guaging it in a subtle way, some friends might surprise you, and really close ones will probably be loyal anyway, although your changing might be a big challenge for them if only because it demonstrates to them that they might be able to as well.

So, socially, adapt your social life so you do fewer things with friends that involve a belief in not having enough, and do more things that are either neutral (just because you have money you will still take walks- but if you want a beer in the end, find the one that's marginally more expensive but a lot better!). If you want to do something that might make you feel like you don't have enough, try explaining it to yourself in a different way. My if-all-else-fails was that I'm in a not-so-well-to-do neighborhood incognito for excitement, and that my palace is just somewhere else waiting for me.

If you can, it's great to consider that it really is very normal and natural to hold different belief systems at different times for different purposes. Belief systems are really just like acting out roles, it's no different, and that is certainly something that has been done forever. Even being a father or a son or a brother or sister, the most basic relationships- those are roles and they come with certain beliefs. With your friends, it's already clear and normal that they can be completely different people when they are at work than how they are with you or with a certain group. So you in the best case, you can just extend that a bit and just create a role of 'really conveniently having become wealthy to the tune of the number you made up' and practice that role until it kind of naturally starts bleeding into your other roles and coloring them a bit but not by much. Go through your other roles and rid them of the most ghastly examples of your old beliefs- if you have a weekly "rich people bashing contest among friends", by all means excuse yourself from it and by all means shed friends with whom you have only that in common. Also, if you care about things like justice and the good for all- by all means continue to care about other people and the good for all. But to examine for limiting beliefs the ways of which you are achieving that goal, and rid yourself of the most limiting ideas. A lot of classical communism assumes a zero-sum game, but then again so do certain types from "chicago-style economics". (Other ideas from communism and chicago economics are very much about creating a bigger cake- keep those, or be brave, and adopt them! Remember, if it works, it's true!). Or you can just ignore all of that, focus on the goal, and let your higher self come up with ways to deal with everyway situations. Just remember that if you feel stuck, limited, inflexible, hard, like a wall- go clear those beliefs, it will make you become smooth, flowy and flexible and will unleash your true power.

The unleashing of our true power in this way will be very subtle, most likely. The more you do these things, the more you will develop, but it will always seem normal and natural. There might be events where you have to pinch yourself to see if its real, those will sure come. But by and large, mostly the important work is every step of the way, each little change, each little new idea, the letting go of each old idea, each little bit. Every little bit counts. It's like practicing a musical instrument. Each change will probably not be noticable for quite some time. Just keep going, use the way you feel as feedback, and focus, become aware, clear. Focus, become aware, clear. Focus, become aware, clear. Then clear some more. Sleep on it.

When you start dreaming about stuff you want, that's a great sign that it is working well. It's one step before the near misses... it all simply means that what you are doing is working. You can also explain no change at all as things working, because if you feel better- even a little bit- that's improvement. This is where you use the fifth principle- love. You acknowledge and take a little time to appreciate all the changes that are coming from your efforts. That will help you get more of them, and serve as an extension of your focus to carry it further. So with love, and appreciating good changes, even on the inside, no matter how small, that will make every Haipule you do that much more powerful.

This is also where you use the sixth principle, confidence, to talk yourself out of the idea that anything that happens means that you won't get what you want, and talk yourself into believing that you'll get what you want or better yet, you already have it. You don't have to convince anyone else- convince yourself. When you feel better, you did convince yourself. So if it feels good to think that your grungy apartment is just a rich person's eccentric lifestyle choice- do it! If it feels good to imagine a lot of flowers whenever you are at home, or just make it really really clean and neat and tidy- do that. Whatever makes you feel better- and richer!

Now what we haven't gone into at all yet is the specific common beliefs that can go against becoming more wealthy, and mostly, they amount to that by becoming rich, you are taking something away from someone else or harming the environment, and the other one is that an external authority doesn't want or allow you to be rich.

Both are just beliefs. Sure, if you want to be spiritually wealthy, you might not want to go into the logging business where you just mindlessly cut everything down that grows (I mean that kind of logging business, not logging in general!). You might not want to go into a business that involves actively harming people, or condones it. But, if you work on your beliefs enough, most likely you won't be drawn to those, anyway. My experience is that the people in those businesses are usually very unhappy, and are only there because they feel there is no other option. Limitation is what brings them there in the first place, so if you dissolve your limitations, going into a business that helps others is almost automatic, because those are the businesses that feel good. The same thing goes for sharp business practices- being heartless is not a requirement at all. Sure, you could go into an ultra-low-margin business where you have to squeeze the heck out of everyone involved. But you could go into another business, or you could focus on working with people who see their immaculate performance as a challenge to grow by and are proud of having that to them is prestigious career in your company. Here too, it's almost impossible to judge what is good for who according to their beliefs, but you can always go by the way you feel.

So what about charging thousands of euros for an e-book, is that scammy? Not if the material inside the book is valuable enought hat the person who bought it decides it was good! What about encouraging people to go into debt to buy the book? Well, that's a different story- but if the seller didn't have a limiting belief, they wouldn't feel it necessary to encourage people to do something they themselves believe to be irresponsible to make money. They could just expand their mind and find happy customers. So every type of rip-off, every type of false advertising, bait-and-switch, or outright stealing- it's fundamentally based on limiting beliefs, because without those- you can just trust your luck and the guidance of your higher self and just walk into wealth, or you can make some kind of business where everyone involved is better off, enlarging the cake in a classic economic way.

Being wealthy is not fighting over scraps, being poor is. If you're poor and feel you have to fight over scraps, being wealth is not having to do that any more, not just fighting for bigger scraps. In that way, extremely competitive people like Donald Trump, as an example, are simply poor people in disguise, even if they have money. Arguably, Trump is not just a poor person's idea of a rich person, but is indeed just a poor person, just a very loud one.

Note that if you support him politically for some reason, or very much not, I'm not judging- but I think he makes a really great example of the kind of wealthy I'm not talking about when we are talking about manifesting money. If you are genuinely manifesting, you don't need to make your money go further in any way- you can always just manifest more. You can still get rid of slack in your life just because it feels better, but if you need to go further, you just manifest more money, or manifest way more than you could ever need in the first place. It's not harder to manifest more money or easier to manifest less, unless you are only ever so slightly getting more money. But you don't really need Huna for that- my advice, if you're going to go through all that trouble of paying attention to your beliefs and confronting them and changing them, go big. It's not that much harder, it will only possibly require a bit more clearing work but not *that* much more, starting clearing work is a lot harder than continuing it.

Do you deserve to be rich? That's a non-issue too. You can just automatically let the higher self handle that one. Most likely, if you start telling yourself you have the money, you will behave in ways and run into circumstances where you get it, and people will want to give it to you and appreciate you for the transaction, simply because that's the easiest way to do it for the universe! Adding the friction just makes it harder. If you keep the visualizing up, and clear negativity, deservingness is automatic. But by all means, do a few sessions specifically on deserving good things if that helps. If you really think you are going to be punished by someone

What about the political system, isn't that all corrupt and therefore the money involved in it as well? Well, politicians have very limited room to maneuver, and that goes both for autocratic and democratic ones. They futz around all the time and figure out what to do to stay in power, and the ones who aren't very good at it don't stay in power. But whatever they make happen, it's built on the beliefs of each individual in the society. So if there is trade, it's because most people believe you have to do something to get something. We could have a completely different society, where ten proud people do all the work, and everyone else just lies down in the sun! It would be entirely possible if you came up with a really good story what that is the natural order of things. You don't have to do that, of course, this is just an illustration on how we all work is completely arbitrary. So what you want to do is change the beliefs on how you work, and let the effects on the rest of society just kind of ripple outwards. Every bit of positive wealth belief that you can have is good, as far as I am concerned, because I would like to live in a world where everyone is wealth! Think about it- right now, that is the case, compared to a hundred years ago. Almost everyone has at least one flat-screen TV or computer. Picture that!!! That's their version of millionaire-level wealth compared to some folks of old. Now there is this belief aroudn that this is not possible, but that's just a belief. The second principle says there are no limits, so we clear it. Of course I want this wealth for everyone to come in a way that's good for the world, and I trust my higher self will come up with everything I need! Making things out of stuff that isn't poisenous or requires too much digging is a great place to start, but I really leave it up to higher self and just buy stuff that feels good. I do find myself buying a lot of organic stuff, although I'm not perfectly sure about the details and it's probably not everyone's way of doing it. But in any case- the idea here is to dissolve or find creative workarounds for all your ideas that make it seem like less wealth should or can come your way. The combination of which will get you there.

How long will it take? I don't know- it could be years, depending on how often you do your Haipule and clearing and how willing you are to give up old beliefs, and how much change you can stomach how fast, or wheter or not you find creative ways of stopping yourself from making the huna techniques, or causing yourself to forget. I recommend to use every trick in the book to keep doing your Hua- set timers, alarms, write down the goals, put stuff in the bathroom or in places where you will stumble over it, shove those ideas into your mind and absorb them. When you get more successful with it, try and make it more and more like a fun game (if you're lucky you can do that from the start). My recommendation is- don't worry too much about time, just make it a regular habit to do your Haipule and exercises, do them best you can, clear best you can, and make sure you always feel like you have the money. You will absolutely feel better from the start, and that's what really counts! But it's not just that, either- the feeling represents very real change in your environment, the feeling wouldn't be there without the outcome. Focusing on the feeling and not worrying too much just happens to be the fastest way to make it happen- and it's the most fun, as well.

May you think yourself rich with Huna, to your wildest dreams!!!

Much love and abundance to you. This is the end of the article!

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