14 October, 2024 Philosophy

All The Huna Concepts In A Nutshell

Huna is made up of a lot of different concepts- here they are, and what you can do with them.

Huna has a lot of different concepts, and it can be a bit confusing to know where to start. For us Westerners it's made worse because Huna doesn't tell you where to start- you're supposed to find your own way to learn them by asking the right questions. Like many other archetypes, Huna has integrated what is broadly known as the seaker's quest.

But there's no reason we can't make it easier. Here are all of the Huna concepts I have learned. See if you feel drawn to and follow up with the full article about them if you do. This will give you a full course on Huna and should get you to the point where you can anchor and deepen your practice directly with your own higher self- then you've got it licked!

The lower, middle and higher self

To me, the most fundamental Huna concept are the three selves. They give you a map of how the world is that's really simple and practical. You, your friends, your cat, plants and even rocks and fire and wind have these aspects, to different extents.

The idea is that there is a higher self who knows you from before you were born and loves you and is ready to help you with gut feelings and intuition. Your lower self is where all your memories are, including genetic, so it also contains the more archaic and animalistic aspects. It basically wants to have a good time- let's eat, drink and be merry! But can perform true miracles if you figure out how to persuade it. The latter is the job of the middle self, or conscious mind- this is, hold your horses, nothing more than your attention. That, you can control- nothing else. But you can use it to make choices, by chosing to focus on the things you want your lower self to get done, based on your higher self's recommendations. This makes you a 'Kanaloa', a spiritually integrated being. Doing this is a really good idea. It solves all problems and makes you very, very successful and fulfilled.

The four levels of reality

Any and all of what you perceive can be perceived in four basic ways- seperate, connected, symbolic or holistic. In other words, scientific, magical, phantastical or transcendent. So a scientist thinks the first is reasonable, a tarot reader or pychic would be working on the second. Many shamanic techniques happen on the third level, like shamanic journeying, symbol healing or the love-light. The fourth level is the place mystics like to go. You notice you're one with God and everything. As a shaman you can change your perception to be on any of these levels at any time depending on what you want to do.

The four levels and the three selves are something that happens together. You use your middle self attention focusing to nudge your lower self into changing its perception as well, which you might have to establish first by teaching it and practicing (it knows how to do it, but might not know or be inclined to do what you want). Your higher self might send you an inspiring dream as clear instructions, as a feeling, as a very bizarre dream that still somehow exists, or just hang out with you. So that communication can be on all levels as well.

The seven principles

The seven principles are a bit different in that aren't so much ways to look at the world, but explanations how the world works. If you do this, you will get that.

Because the memory in your lower self determines what happens in your life, the seven principles for the most part apply to the lower self. They guide you in what to do to have more influence on it. If you know how the thing works, it's easier to take it for a ride!!!

#1 The World Is What You Think It Is

This principle tells you that whatever is lodged into your lower self's memory, that's absolute truth for you- not just philosophically, in that you will want to stick to it no matter what anyone says because you just really believe it- in your actual life experiences as well. Sure, a belief will filter what you see right now, even if other stuff is there- but it will also determine the kind of experience you run into by choice and coincidence. Because both- what you notice about situations, and the situation itself, is just a bunch of reality filtered by the belief.

So if you want change in your life, you make your subconscious mind change its thinking, and everything will change.

#2 There Are No Limits

This means that any limits there are are only there because your lower self believes they are. You want to change them, you're free to. In practical terms there are plenty of limits you might not want to change, like gravity- you can, but why? You can just wait until after you die, too. Much easier, no gravity there. Or fly around with just your consciousness, that's already light. More practically, this means that for your life goals that excite you, it's not necessary to consider whether they can be done. You just assume that whether or not they can be done is a matter of belief, so you use your conscious mind to make your subconscious mind believe that something can be done. And there you go.

Do what you want to do, don't worry about "realism".

#3 Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

This means that wherever you direct your attention, consciously or not- that's where energy goes, in other words, that's where stuff happens. In Huna energy is likened to something like 'powerful flow'. It has like a life-energy aspect as well, but it's really most like a powerful motion. In other words, your conscious mind's attention is a strong transformative influence on your subconscious mind. This is true whether you direct it towards something that's happening, an imagination, or the body itself. There are lots of specific, crafty ways to use your attention and energy. Almost all Huna techniques are just ways to focus your attention, even if the effect can be absolutely life-changing in wonderful and incredible ways. Some techniques involve doing something, most notably, the gestures in the Haipule, a very strong influence technique to get your lower self to believe something.

Focus on what you want.

#4 Now Is The Moment Of Power

This one tells you that all this focusing of your attention happens right now, so right now is the time you can make changes. There is no right time later that you might need to wait for, and there is no time that you missed. You do everything now. This is because time doesn't really exist, it's just another filter on larger experience to make life happen. It still does it's thing and makes changes, but it has far less influence on you than one might think- as long as you stay in the present. This also means that if you're focusing on a situation of life experience, it's good to put all of your attention on your senses. Then you will have a lot of influence over your situation.

Don't worry too much about the past or future, do things right now.

#5 To Love Is To Be Happy With

And the things you want are most likely some form or other of love, starting with loving yourself- which is really to love your subconscious mind, and everything about it, where it came from, the things it does, its genetics, its ideas, and its feelings.

And it also says how to do that, it's very clear, if you feel good it's loving and if you feel bad it's not. No room for tough love or stuff like that that doesn't feel good at all.

This is telling you that your subsconscious mind responds very very well to loving, gentle happy attention.

Ne nice to yourself and lift your spirits, everything will work better.

#6 All Power Comes From Within

This principle tells you that there is no one else who has power over you- it's all you. No Gods and Goddesses to mollify, no nature spirits to coax. You can have relationships with all of them if you like- but you're the boss, and you're responsible. For all of it.

Why? Because the entirety of your life experience is set up based on the beliefs stored in your subconscious mind. You change something in there, that thing you don't like there is just going to go and find a very convenient way to find other places to be. It will just fade away. Similarly, stuff you like that you focus on will start appearing. And all of it was dependant on your belief, and your believe doesn't have to be dependant on anything but yourself and your high self inspiration.

Don't worry about outside experts of any kind, unless they ring a bell with *you*. Chose what you want yourself, and then do it!

#7 Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth

This is the idea that makes Huna a complete philosophy, because in a philosophy you always need to know why you know something. And in Huna, the yardstick to knowing something is true is very simple. If it works for you, it's true.

It's to my knowledge the only philosophy that always works and is flexible and adaptable enough to apply to every situation of life, with all its variety. It also means that you don't have to believe 'facts' that just aren't good for you... and if you don't, your life experience will certainly prove to you that they weren't true all along. In other words, you shape your truth by living, you don't get shaped if you don't want to.

Pick up and discard ideas freely, chose your own truth based on what works for you.

A summary

So we have a very simple view of how we human and nonhuman beings work, that explains a whole lot of behavior. Then we have four reality levels that we can mix and match and experience our life on. Then we have seven principles that we can apply as guides to situations, in order to better influence our subconcious mind. Because if you do that, your entire life changes, because you are already all-powerfully running your life. If you get a little skill at doing it on purpose, you can be, do and have anything you want, no exceptions.

There is a final legend that Huna is the lost knowledge of the people of the lost continent of Mu, who are of human but extraterrestrial origin. But whether you believe that is of course entirely up to you.

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