22 September, 2023 Philosophy


When I was a young man in the 2000s, I scoured the self-help sections of bookstores and sites in the earlyish Internet to find out how to feel better and become successful.

I found Huna- a philosophy of life that had a neat explanation for every subject I had ever wondered about- science, love, creativity, charisma, power, confidence, success, dreams, as well as things like telepathy and clairvoyance, which I have come to accept as real without a shadow of doubt- unpredictable as they can appear to be. I learned about who we are, why we are here and where we come from. Far from just satisfying my curiosity, Huna invited me to adopt a clear, consistent worldview, create my own path for my life, and then use practical, proven techniques to embark on it as a grand adventure. All I can say is it worked- I was able grow from a shy, angry and lonely youngster who was full of doubts and confusion into a confident, strong, happy and connected man living a life that feels like the adventure games young me used to love to play so much.

It can do the same for you- if you use it. Enjoy my blog!

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