7 October, 2024 Techniques

How To Change Your Life With Huna

Huna is different, you have to find your own way to use it. Here's how.

In most of Western teaching you are not assumed to be in charge, so when you learn Huna, it can be very confusing that there is no one there to tell you what to do.

This is a feature, not a bug. The point of Huna is to make you free. So if you want to learn Huna, the best way to do it is to fix a problem in your life.

Broke? Pick this.

Stuck? Pick that.

Airheaded? Pick that!

Angry? Pick that.

Huna is a philosophy that will allow you to change everything about your life that is humanly possible. If you can't do it with Huna, there is a weird spiritual reason grafted to reality itself, and that is rare, friends. Everything else is fair game.

So after you picked something you want to focus on changing, start going through Huna techniques.

The easiest way is to just run through a list of them until you feel like this might help. Then read it, and see how it can be applied to your problem.

And then practice it. Most Huna techniques are made to be practiced lots of times per day, for a minute or so. So you can easily integrate Huna no matter what your situation is. Use little breaks in your day to do some Huna. It will take the least glamorous times of your day, and return you the fulfillment of your wildest dreams. It's probably the best investment you could ever make. Sounds like a sales pitch for eyeliner- but for Huna, this is actually true!

So, for example, you might have decided you want your body to feel better and be more active and stronger. So you can just check out some Huna techniques scrolling through the techniques section of my blog. You could buy Urban Shaman, and just flip through the pages and start reading somewhere. Be a bit random about it and kind of let your fingers look for the right information for the task at hand. So doing so, you might stumble upon my post about telepathically talking to aliens on their home planet. Now- there might not be all that much connection to weight loss and fitness there, except that the aliens are kinda skinny. But then again- if you're sensitive, they might actually have some weight loss tips for you nobody would think of here on earth and you can receive those if you're telepathically open to it. The story might just be crazy enough (and hopefully the author might still seem sane enough) to shake your worldview just enough so you might be open to more techniques you can use.

So what you do when you go along with this randomish kind of feeling out what to do next, is you just assume that this was the most important next step. You don't question if you're doing it right, you assume you are. This is confidence.

More likely, the reason you might have been intuitively interested in a particular article after chosing a particular task at hand will be more obvious than in the example. For example, if you want to lose weight, and you find an article about auto-suggestion- well then, you go ahead and imagine yourself lean and musculur, many times per day.

And that's how you learn huna.

  1. Chose a goal. You will both achieve the goal and learned the huna required to do it.
  2. Kind of sort-of-randomly go through a source of Huna knowledge, such as this blog or Serge's books and videos and courses. Start absorbing knowledge in whatever way feels right and assume it's the right way to do it. If you need an explanation why this is the right way, make one up.
  3. Use the information you found in whatever way it makes sense to achieve your goal, usually practicing it for a short time many times per day.

And that's all there is to it. What would you like to achieve?

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